In 1545, that crooked bastard SOILED life for generations!
If you don't already hate him, he already has you
in his grasp, but fear not, we will free you!
Cardano the Wicked
Cardano "invented" imaginary numbers.
Here's the truth: he didn't invent jack shizzle.
Here's my new invention: its also a
number. It's called 'gurt.' What's its value? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... It has an imaginary value!!
Now write a Wikipedia article about me. Don't give him any credit, he didn't do anything to help you.
In what possible situation could you even use these? I understand
that these have SOME possible
application, but these are always in fields where you are
required to learn other things they don't teach in high school.
Why don't you keep your garbage math where the other nerds
fester? I'm never going to use this shit once.
Granted, the
excuse "I'm never going to use this shit once" is used by losers
who don't care what their future is, but I do! That's
why I hate that this is taught to students who don't show
any interest in this shit! And guess who says that this is
important? The people who use them!! Obviously, you lemonhead!
YOU are the ONLY PEOPLE on earth who care even in the
slightest! Keep your shitty math out of my shitty life! You probably
saw the button up there. It's counting down to the 450th anniversary of that fucker's death. click it to see my happiness magnify by the second.